
From where I sit…

From where I sit…

Every month I have the opportunity to hear your stories. I have the opportunity to be let in to the vulnerable parts of your lives, and play a part in your Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual growth. What an AWE-some role I get to play… and I don’t take it lightly.

Which is why I seek out mentors.
Which is why I make time to learn.
Which is why I meditate.
Which is why I share personal stories.
If I am not doing my own due diligence, why would you?

I want to leave you with something to think about before before next weeks sound bath…

Pick an area of your life you are HAPPY with and ask yourself , “What about this makes me happy?” Write that down.

Now, pick an area of your life you are NOT HAPPY about. Ask yourself, “ What about this makes me unhappy?” Write that down.

It doesn’t matter whether its your health, work, energy levels, abundance, or relationships… it’s the story, the belief system attached to it that propels you forward, or stops you from making progress!

Becoming aware of the belief or story you are attached to (even subconscious) allows you to CHOOSE to turn your “I should’s” into “I must, I will, I AM!”

You have a choice to live a life you love. You can show up and align, or you can blame and fail. I’m not saying its easy or comfortable. But the only way you are going to move from where you are to where you want to be is to take a look at the story you are telling yourself, take ownership of the role you play in your life, and start stirring the ship in the direction of aligned truth.

Ways I can support you:
1. Monthly Sound Baths (Next up: July 10, July 11, and July 31)

2. Private 1 on 1 coaching/ sound healing sessions

3. Sound Healing 101 (Gain confidence in your Sound Healing and Energy work! No experience necessary/ no instruments necessary; July 27th)

Recognize that the resources you have been asking for are there for you, and take action. Nothing changes, unless something changes. 💕

<3 Danielle
📸 by Miguel Tapia

Wow... thank you all for coming out!

Wow... thank you all for coming out! It fills my heart when I see a full room because it’s a sign that you are experiencing transformation and seeing the value of this work. We are all part of the same tribe. And when we come together like this it reminds us that we are not going at this thing called LIFE alone. Thank you Kelsey Reed from Innercise Yoga for an awesome collab, and Atlanta Yoga Collective for hosting us today!

I’m getting goosebumps for Wednesday’s Sound Bath at Studioplex! Not only has Transcend Healing Massage invited us back, but! You will experience 14 quartz crystal bowls and Kea Beverages will be there to help ground you with some delicious kombucha and juices! Let’s relax what needs relaxing! Let’s move what needs to be moved! Let’s find clarity and shift perspective! THIS. IS. YOU. TIME!

<3 Danielle