
One of my dreams came true today.

One of my dreams came true today.

I have been teaching other Sound Practitioners how to do this work since 2015, and then today, the SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program officially started. There is nothing like it out on the market for sound healers (at least I haven’t found it). I have to say... it’s a pretty DOPE program.

It usually takes me a couple of days to FEEL the feelings of hard work and accomplishment of something... I’m really good at going and going... but as the last email was sent I actually burst into tears. To express this journey can only really be felt through the intention you would experience while going through this program. And while there is still work to be done, I am humbled by the 10 people who have put their trust in me to guide them into this new world all about the facilitation and power, of sound and frequency.

<3 Danielle