empowering women

Community is like Fire.

“Community is like fire. It can feed your growth or it can destroy it.” - Danielle Hall

Who you surround yourself with is important. Studies have shown that you are most like the 5 people you hang out with or talk to most. 
Are those people lifting you up? 
Are those people loving? 
If not... I’m sorry but it’s time you find a new squad. Otherwise, you risk never knowing your true potential. You risk not knowing how good life can truly be!

Community is everything to me. It’s what helped me through my darkest times when I lost faith in my healing process, times when I was heartbroken, times when I felt lost on my career path... but the communities I am apart of kept that faith for me! Show’d me how much love was around me! Shined a light on the path in front of me!!!

I would not be here today, doing what I do, feeling fulfilled, loved, and filled with a joy for waking up everyday without the amazing community of people I surround myself by.

I’d love to have a deeper conversation around the power of community: The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Where have you experienced how community has had the power and influence to bring you down a road less desirable?

How have you experienced the power and influence of community to lift you up? 

<3 Danielle