crowd funding

Morning Cup Introspection/ Almond Chai Latte / Oct 17th /9:44am /Atlanta, GA.

Morning Cup Introspection/ Almond Chai Latte / Oct 17th /9:44am /Atlanta, GA. //

Deep down everyone wants to be a part of something special. Something that is shaping a better future. Something that gives us purpose. I want to say that this app is just the beginning... but the beginning happened way before me with people like Jonathan Goldman, Bruce Lipton, Dr.Mitchel Gaynor, and John Beaulieu! Heck! Let's also say Thomas Edison and Nicola Tessa! 

As I move forward, "standing on the shoulders of giants", I would also like to acknowledge everyone who donated and shared about the crowdfunding. You are a part of something special. Thank you for lifting me up on your shoulders. Words can't even come close to express the gratitude I feel for you showing up for me in this way. But I also acknowledge that it may not be because of me at all... that it is because you have lived in pain, and have faith that this can be something great! 

I'm going to take a break today...have some ice cream, take a walk, rest for a bit, and allow it all to sink in. Tomorrow, I will wake up refreshed and ready to move through the content for the next stages of app development. This is so exciting!

<3 Danielle

As many of you know, I launched a crowdfunding page to help​ with the financial weight of creating something BIG!

As many of you know, I launched a crowdfunding page to help​ with the financial weight of creating something BIG! A sound healing app. There are only 2 days left in my crowd funding efforts and I need your help… and in a BIG WAY!

The humbling truth is… I am nowhere near my goal and the campaign ends THIS​ Monday, October 16th at 1pm EST​. Regardless of meeting the goal​, the app is still being made!

However, having your support would alleviate some of this financial weight in making this happen. Donating just $5 is extremely helpful. Asking your friends and family to donate $5 could be a Game Changer! You can find the link to donate in the bio. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for believing in this mission.

<3 Danielle

Afternoon Cup Introspection/ Almond milk Chai Latte / Oct 4th / 12:47pm /San Francisco, CA

Afternoon Cup Introspection/ Almond milk Chai Latte / Oct 4th / 12:47pm /San Francisco, CA. //

It's my last few hours in SF. The tour is over. I'm sitting in one of my favorite cafes thinking about the trip. Taking in what I have accomplished. Letting what I have learned about myself during this time settle. After a month away, it will be nice to sleep in my own bed, laugh with my housemates, and have a home cooked meal. More to share soon. But for now, it feels like a time to sit with everything with gratitude.

<3 Danielle

Evening Cup Introspection/ Almond milk Chai Latte / Sept 19th / 6:01pm / Kings Beach, CA.

Evening Cup Introspection/ Almond milk Chai Latte / Sept 19th / 6:01pm / Kings Beach, CA.

There is a study by Santa Cruz University that compared historical views of looking out across an ocean or lake versus looking out across land. The study said that looking across these large bodies of water instilled hope, and that you could see and feel infinite possibility. Having the opportunity to do that this weekend did just that. It alleviated some fear I had over how this crowdfunding campaign would go. (Link in bio) Made me think about what success is for me, and to me. It's was the reset I needed to put a few things in perspective. Little bit of caffeine before I set out on the road back to the Bay. I hope you join me tomorrow in San Rafael for a beautiful Sound + Breath gathering under the stars with Faye Wilder, and then on Thursday in SF at StudioMix SF for a Heart Opening Vinyasa Flow followed by an integrative Sound Experience. Then! Sunday in LA for a sound immersion at JAM .

Lots of opportunities to hug it out!

<3 Danielle

Afternoon Cup Introspection/ Coconut Chai Latte / Sept 15th /11:51 / San Leandro, CA.

Afternoon Cup Introspection/ Coconut Chai Latte / Sept 15th /11:51 / San Leandro, CA.

I had a moment of clarity last night when I was facilitating a sound experience for SOULstice Sisterhood led by Ashley Burnett. In all the doing, the prep, the scheduling, the research, the teaching, the EVERYTHING that you have to and need to do to bring your dream to a waking reality I suddenly become enveloped with immense joy that I AM LIVING MY DREAM. It was intense and beautiful! The hard work and perseverance is paying off... even with this app! The vulnerability that comes from asking your community, friends, and family to support your dream in a financial energetic exchange, The courage that it takes to do something no one has done, And the pause. The powerful pause to acknowledge that I am doing something great. Something that will help so many people! And the biggest thing of all is that through this support I know I am not alone. I am so thankful for my Soul sisters, my Bay Area Family, my Atlanta family, my Yoga family, my Sound Healing family, my FAMILY FAMILY, and my Plywood People family! Incredible... If you are looking for the link to donate to this sound healing app, check out the link. So much love!

<3 Danielle

Here it is!!!

Here it is!!!
Soundembrace Health is more than an app. This is a tool for transformation.

A new paradigm in health is surfacing and it requires technological innovation. Innovations that supports and empowers individuals.

I have a healthy discontent with the status quo and my mission is to bend and reshape your view on what life can actually be like. What it should be like. Pain free and filled with so much joy!

I am here today because I am asking you to see what I see. This vision is bigger than me and I need your help.

As you will learn from my fundraising page, the features of the app go beyond simply sharing the power of sound healing music. It takes into account Epigenetic's, so you can arial view of your health and well being.  This view, if you let it, will allow you to become AWARE of things that may be holding you back so that you can then EMPOWER yourself to make positive change.  The app will also have 2 min, 10 min, and 30 min sound healing sessions so that you can easily fit it into your day.  Relieve stress, reduce pain, elevate your meditation practice. BE YOUR OWN CATALYST FOR CHANGE.

Ways you can support!
1. Donate to this crowdfunding page.

2. Share the crowdfunding link through email, text, by a phone call to family and friends, share on Facebook, Instagram, and any other social media platform you enjoy.  Make it personal! Share how sound healing has helped you, how I have inspired you, and/or why you support this campaign.

You can even copy and paste the below text: "Sound Healing is a powerful tool for transformation relieving stress and reducing pain.  Join me in supporting my friend Danielle Hall in making sound healing accessible through her app! Its helped me, and I know it will help so many others!"

3.  Share the link to my upcoming events with your friends and family so they can experience it for them self!  In the month of September I have events in Atlanta, Philadelphia, San Francisco, San Rafael, Petaluma, and Los Angeles.

“Energy healing is rising in our civilization because of Quantum Physics and new technology to measure the effects of Energy Medicine.” -Bruce Lipton

Thank you so very much!

<3 Danielle

Tomorrow I am launching the crowdfunding page for Soundembrace Health App!!

Tomorrow I am launching the crowdfunding page for Soundembrace Health App!!!

I have a couple of videos for you to get an idea what a sound bath is (if you haven't been to one yet) as well as one where I share my emotional story of how I got into sound healing. If you are interested in checking out a sound healing sound bath with me, I have events all this month! I will be doing them in Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York, several in San Francisco, and one in Los Angeles! I hope to hug it out with you!

<3 Danielle


Bruce Lipton, PhD. (Developmental Biologist best known for his discoveries in the science of Epigeneitcs) says, "When you receive music such as sound healing music that has a nice flow and harmonic resonance to it, it en trains you, it causes the mind to stop all the stress, and calm down, and work to become more harmonious and more flowing. If you can just do that, it would be a primary incentive for the body to heal itself. The body heals itself when you stop your stress. This is why the nature of sleep is so important. Sleep says, “SHUT OFF THAT MIND! The mind is interfering with the system. 
When you go to sleep, all the stresses shut off and that’s when the body says, 'Great! This is our opportunity to heal!' but why wait until nighttime? Energy healing is rising in our civilization because of Quantum Physics and new technology to measure the effects of Energy Medicine." Sound is the medicine of the future. The future is now! Just 2 more days until I launch the crowdfunding page for the sound healing app! THANK YOU all for your messages! It has been incredible to receive so much love about this. I hope I get to thank you in person at one of the events this month or at the retreat in October.

<3 Danielle

Afternoon Cup Introspection/ Darjeeling Tea / Sept 3rd/ 12:24pm (Mendocino, CA.)

Afternoon Cup Introspection/ Darjeeling Tea / Sept 3rd/ 12:24pm (Mendocino, CA.)

In the thick of it! This is a really important month. I am launching the crowd funding page THIS Wednesday! (What?!?!) And I have multiple events in different cities to expose more people to this work. So there is SO MUCH to promote and share! I am finding myself listening to my recordings more and more over the past couple of weeks to help keep my head clear and stay focused. I am learning so much! This project has taken me out of my norm. I am learning more about tech, neuro feedback, acoustics, and how to make the big picture tangible. Going though this process, I have had the opportunity to use sound healing in the way the app will provide. For example, it will have 2 min, 10 min, and 30 minute sound healing sessions to make it easy to integrate into your day. Especially with those 2 min tracks! It has been so powerful for me to listen to before meetings! And I have had A LOT of meetings lately! It’s so cool that in just a few months I will be able to have Sound Healing in my pocket! AND that you will have access to this tool as well! It's just about time to get ready for this wedding. It's important to step away from your work every once and a while so you can go back to it with fresh eyes, feelings, and perspective. That dance floor is not gonna know what hit it!

<3 Danielle

Photo by Miguel Tapia