corporate wellness

Thank you Chick-Fil-A for inviting me again to provide the Chill Sound Immersion session for your company!

Thank you Chick-Fil-A for inviting me again to provide the Chill Sound Immersion session for your company! You always take such good care of me when I am there. .
If you would like SoundEmbrace at your office, DM me and let’s chat about how we can make it happen. I have trained sound practitioners in Atlanta, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. I would love to learn about your company and your goals for supporting and empowering your employees.

<3 Danielle

Anytime. Anywhere. I got you.

Anytime. Anywhere. I got you.

This lovely corporate Sound Bath was held at Boston Consulting Group last week. I LOVE corporate because usually, the majority of the room has never experienced a sound bath before. It is always such an honor for me to have the opportunity to introduce this to people. Thank you for your open arms into the space. For the attention and intentions. And purely being open to a new experience. What a great way to bring everyone together and experience something new.

<3 Danielle

When it’s good… Hold on!

When it’s good… Hold on!

Remember why you came in the first place. 
Remember what brought you back again and again.

A sound bath with me is a time to remember. 
Remember the time when you felt good in your body?
Remember the time you were pain free?
That time the mind chatter didn’t run your life?
That time you felt rested?
…That time you felt peace… whole.

There are a few opportunities to come see me for a sound bath this week and this weekend, however, tonight’s (Wednesday, Feb 20th) sound bath at The center of Love and Light and tomorrows (Thursday, Feb 21st) at Bar Method Atlanta- East Cobb are meant to support you in not just remembering… but GET YOU BACK to how you felt when you didn’t feel so heavy, tired, or scattered.

Hold on! Because things are about to get REAL GOOD! See you soon.💋

<3 Danielle

Take a breath... this weeks schedule is OFF THE CHAIN!

Take a breath... this weeks schedule is OFF THE CHAIN!

It starts with ‘Relax in Sound’ this Wednesday, the 20th. I will be joined by Shawn Moore, M.S.  and Deron Singh! It will be Shawn’s first Sound Bath where he will be co facilitating playing the bowls with me! He doesn’t even know it yet! (Ok, now he does! 🤣) But he is ready!

The following morning, Thursday the 21rst, I will be facilitating a private sound bath experience for Ron Clark Academy, and then shoot up to East Cobb/Marietta to provide a sound bath for you at Bar Method Atlanta- East Cobb that night! I am STOKED to have apprentice’s Allison Bienenfeld and Stress less with Snehaj joining me in the facilitation for you!

Friday the 22nd is a doozy! Starting off the morning with Sound and Science for a group of 4th graders at Briarlake Elementary School, then off to facilitate a team building sound immersion and drum circle for See Baby! Then! The same night, I have the pleasure of being a part of a series of experiential art exhibitions “If I Told you” where I am creating a sound bath experience called “Empowered”... EPIC!

Saturday the 23rd... rest. 🤣

Sunday the 24th, things get a little shamanic with ‘Sound Journey’!Joining me will be Pisces Dreamer, Yoga with Larry and  Stress less with Snehaj. Bring your notebook for this one! Drumming, shakers, and gongs make this an epic experience. Especially when I bring voice in. 🔥 You would never guess that that voice came out of me... so I’m told. 💕

I’d love to see you at one (or all!) of these sound bath immersions. Sound Immersions have supported my clients and guests to relieve stress, reduce pain, elevate consciousness and so much more! I would love to connect with you around the potential this type of session can have in impacting your life. . Link in bio to sign up for all these great experiences!

<3 Danielle

The feelings are catching up with me

The feelings are catching up with me.

When I started working with Sound I knew that THIS would be the vehicle to help people feel safe in exploring the reflection they see in the mirror every day. To take an honest look and become curious. To take ownership of the part they play in their life. Sound would also be there for them to find empowerment. The last few days have shown me a lot about myself. If I didn’t believe it before, I believe it now down to the core of my soul. This is how I am meant to serve.

Saturday, was epic. 
13 Sound Healers came together for my Sound Healing 101 class. I am so grateful and honored to have your trust in guiding you. You all bring something beautiful and unique to this work and I am so excited to witness what manifests next for you! I thank you for stepping into your truth because when you did, you provided the opportunity for me to step into mine. And the same for others.

Sunday, was other worldly.
I love working with 1 on 1. And though this experience will be kept private, again, I have to give immense gratitude for the trust bestowed upon me. Thank you for inviting me into your home and for allowing me to hold space for you and your family.

Monday, the cherry on top.
I feel like I am in a movie... I spent 1 day teaching the science, history, and application of sound in a therapeutic way, next to a day purely spiritual in nature, and then today creating a sound bath experience for Chik-Fil-A! Thank you for a room full of excited faces looking in to a new experience! My body is tired. My eyes are heavy, but my heart is full.

Time to unplug for a bit. I look forward to seeing you at a sound bath soon! May all your endeavors be blessed with the love and gratitude I have in my heart for the opportunity to serve you.
