
S O U N D + P R A N A

S O U N D + P R A N A

We have been planning this collaboration for a while...

When we had the idea, we didn’t know what intention to hold. But we knew the power in the connection of our work. We knew we would be guided. And we were.


SoundEmbrace Sound Bath + 
JGF Collective Prana Painting

I created the environment, while Jill Ford breathed life into it. It took shape into what we reveal to you today.

Original artwork goes towards Jill and Josh’s adoption process, while the limited addition print sales go towards SoundEmbrace fundraising efforts. (Print delivery scheduled for January)

The intention we held... Home: Love, Safety, Belonging.

Check the link in bio for my recent chat with Jill in the podcast video series, as well as Shop for the limited addition prints.

<3 Danielle

Dominic was one of the first Sound Healing Practitioners I mentored and then went on to hire pretty regularly in the Bay Area.

Dominic was one of the first Sound Healing Practitioners I mentored and then went on to hire pretty regularly in the Bay Area. I learned so much about how to be a teach, challenge my students, and making information accessible. Dominic just birthed The Resonant People Project. A non profit researching the affects of sound and vibration. I am super excited to support him in this work and be a collaborative member of the group!

Dominic has started monthly sound bath sessions where proceeds will go straight to this research! Bay Area friends... you can support this research by signing up for one of his sound bath sessions. Everyone wins!!! The next one is November 4th!

If you are wanting to donate to this research you can also go to Resonant People and there is a DONATE button.

We are making way! We can’t wait to share our findings with you and support the elevation of this vast field of Sound Healing Therapy!!!💕

<3 Danielle