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We are proud Sponsors of Dirty South Yoga Fest this August 9-11 in Atlanta! To celebrate, we have collaborated with the festival and Elizabeth Rowan to bring you 3 phenomenal experiences! 🧘🏻‍♀️

Here's what we've got for ya:

- A sacred 1:1 opportunity for the student or the teacher: a 45-minute virtual session in either healing ritual or mentorship with Elizabeth Rowan.

- 2 spots (because it's more fun with a friend!) at a group Relax in Sound sound bath session, a candle made in collaboration with Young Gentry and a T-Shirt from SoundEmbrace Health.

- A single one day pass to Dirty South Yoga Fest!!! 😮 💓

How to enter:

1️⃣ Follow Elizabeth Rowan Yoga, SoundEmbrace Health, and Dirty South Yoga Fest

2️⃣ Tag a friend in the comments below, you may enter multiple times!

3️⃣ Share this post in your stories for extra entries (must tag us so we can see!) You have until Sunday, July 14th at Midnight to enter! ONE winner will be announced on Monday, July 15th! 💫

<3 Danielle



Wednesday, December 19th

A Site + Sound Experience Fundraiser Supporting Georgia Mental Health + Wellness

Imagine sitting comfortably in reclined seats while immersed in heavenly sounds (played live) that entrain you to a higher state of consciousness. You have a choice in keeping your eyes open while taking a visual journey with sound, touring through space; or choose to relax into the sound with eye masks provided for you as a gift!

Afterwards, enjoy touring the exhibits, chatting it up with our sponsors and vendors, or taking photos at the complimentary photo booth. You will leave with a THANK YOU gift bag and a feeling of peace within your mind, body and spirit for supporting local non profit organizations working in mental health and wellness in Georgia!

See you tomorrow! 💕

<3 Danielle

Discussing legislation tomorrow with Representative John Lewis and Recording Academy!

Discussing legislation tomorrow with Representative John Lewis and Recording Academy!

The Music Modernization Act was signed and I have the great pleasure and opportunity to be a part of the conversation for what’s next.

The Music Modernization Act is indeed a milestone achievement, but Congress can continue to have a tremendous impact on the livelihoods of the music community.

I’m sure we all can agree that Music has been there for each of us in so many ways. For me, it was playing the saxophone in high school to deal with my on again/off again health issues. But I didn’t know I was in love with music until I dated a guy who was a Dj who exposed me to so much more. That whole group of friends (DJ’s, musicians, music lovers!) inspired me on the daily and I am SO EXCITED that this impacts people I care about! Then, I found sound healing, and my relationship to music evolved into the most intimate of love affairs. It’s the impact of what I do in Sound Healing that is propelling me into being a part of this bigger conversation.

Tomorrow, a group from the Recording Academy and I have the opportunity to meet with Representative John Lewis to be a part of the conversation around legislation that supports music makers. I look forward to sharing more with you tomorrow... for now... I’m going to let this sit. Stoked to be a part of this! EPIC!

<3 Danielle

Morning Cup Introspection/ English Breakfast / Nov 28th / 7:01am/ Atlanta, Ga.

Morning Cup Introspection/ English Breakfast / Nov 28th / 7:01am/ Atlanta, Ga. //

There is the tendency to write about the things that are going well. And.. there are a lot of things going really well! Those are the easy ‘shares’. But these introspection’s are also a way for me to share the frustrating aspects that come into play when running a wellness business, sharing about Sound Healing and events, as well Soundembrace being a real person (ME) who actually lives what she preaches! And btw, not at all perfect.

Like right now. I’m really frustrated. And have been frustrated for about a week. Last night I tossed and turned, wrestling with thoughts that came up from every part of my life. At some point I finally passed out, but journaling about it this morning I realized that there are a few things I had given my power away on and what I’m left with is waiting, wanting, disappointment, a little insecurity, and restlessness.

The more you do your inner work, the faster you can work through moments like this. You identify them quicker. You start to notice the physical manifestations that are wanting to act out. I knew there was something up when my head was flooded with “random” thoughts last night. After sitting with it, I knew what I needed to do and can now take action. I would love to hear your introspection stories! This is a great practice for self reflection and growth. You may be surprised what comes up!

<3 Danielle

“Can Sound Healing cure me?”

“Can Sound Healing cure me?” You wouldn’t believe how many times I am asked this question. My answer always surprises them. “NO!” Sound healing is ONE of the tools I use to help you relieve stress and reduce pain. Whatever the ailment: physical, mental, or emotional, sound healing CAN play a major role in the success of your health goals, and cause some major transformations! But like many forms of therapy or medication, it would only be like putting a band aid over the problem if you do not take these Epigenetic factors into consideration!

When I work with someone, it’s not just about sound healing. (Although, VERY powerful!) I’m also evaluating the epigenetic factors contributing to the root cause of the issue.

Those who signed up for T60 have already received a pretty raw piece of my story in their inbox. No one wants to hear a story about a 5 year old being pinned down! This first memory of a doctors visit shaped my belief system around life and my health that I have carried into adulthood and shaped my perspective and experience of the world until I was 28. Wherever you are on your journey, know that you have way more control of your health than you think. Don’t give up your power. Work in collaboration with Doctors. Ask questions and take action.

Photo credit : Paul McPherson Jr.

<3 Danielle

Over the next 60 days, I will introduce you to ancient intelligence that shows the power you have over your own health.

Over the next 60 days, I will introduce you to ancient intelligence that shows the power you have over your own health.

My interest in the mind-body-spirit connection didn’t occur over night. It was through my own health journey that I was motivated to seek out answers to the chronic symptoms I was experiencing. Through this search, I have discovered a power I didn’t know I had to under go radical transformation.

Let me get one thing straight with you! Your health and wellness goals are not going to fit in a “one size fits all” package or program. The hard truth is that the starting line is revealed when you can finally be real with yourself in where you are.

I know you are sick and tired of being sick and tired!

Here is the good news! Transformation 60 is going to guide you in getting to the core. We will explore epigenetic factors that are contributing to the state of your health, how to shift those factors so your body can repair itself, and use sound healing to support the body in relieving stress.

You can follow here, but you will get the most through signing up with the link in my bio. For 60 day’s you will receive an email with in-depth content, resources, and support! A lot can happen in 60 days!

<3 Danielle

Intro: Do you believe transformation can happen in 60 days?

Do you believe transformation can happen in 60 days? Here we go... it's been MONTHS since I've been regular with my work out routine, and let's face it... it's starting to show. But my waistline isn't the only thing I need to work on. It's also my mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Let me tell ya! I have all the excuses: Work has taken over my life, there has been so much travel, I deserve more sleep and more ice cream, there isn't enough time in the day! But that's life, right?!? I could get down on myself for it, OR I could choose to change it! Sometimes we forget that we actually have a choice! We get to choose, so CHOOSE wisely! I'm feeling motivated to document this for you for a couple of reasons: 1.) The app! I want to show you what epigenetic factors are, how to take them into consideration when it comes to your health, and how to use sound healing tracks in supporting your wellness goals! So stick with me to witness the story and to see the results! Check in to my IG Live, as well. That's where I'll really get to talk to you! 2.) I have been invited to go to the Grammy's in New York in January!!! (SAY WHAT?!?) It's an opportunity to celebrate the power and influence of music, and I want to look an feel my best! This is also around the same time Soundembrace App will officially launch and YOU KNOW I will want to celebrate it! Join me for Transformation 60! A lot can happen in 60 days! It's starts now!

<3 Danielle

5 of 5. \\3:00pm//

5 of 5. \\3:00pm//
Started the Relaxation/Stress Reduction section. Here's a peak into "The Zone". 5 tracks down! You would think I would be exhausted after creating 5- 30min sound healing tracks, but quite the opposite! I had so much energy I put it to work catching up on things. Lately, I've been feeling like I just can't catch up. It's all good though! I'm having so much fun learning, creating, and researching it doesn't feel like work! And there is so much to look forward to. OK! Check out the happenings tomorrow!

<3 Danielle

Morning Cup Introspection/ Almond Chai Latte / Oct 17th /9:44am /Atlanta, GA.

Morning Cup Introspection/ Almond Chai Latte / Oct 17th /9:44am /Atlanta, GA. //

Deep down everyone wants to be a part of something special. Something that is shaping a better future. Something that gives us purpose. I want to say that this app is just the beginning... but the beginning happened way before me with people like Jonathan Goldman, Bruce Lipton, Dr.Mitchel Gaynor, and John Beaulieu! Heck! Let's also say Thomas Edison and Nicola Tessa! 

As I move forward, "standing on the shoulders of giants", I would also like to acknowledge everyone who donated and shared about the crowdfunding. You are a part of something special. Thank you for lifting me up on your shoulders. Words can't even come close to express the gratitude I feel for you showing up for me in this way. But I also acknowledge that it may not be because of me at all... that it is because you have lived in pain, and have faith that this can be something great! 

I'm going to take a break today...have some ice cream, take a walk, rest for a bit, and allow it all to sink in. Tomorrow, I will wake up refreshed and ready to move through the content for the next stages of app development. This is so exciting!

<3 Danielle