Grammy Week

Impostor Syndrome

Impostor Syndrome.

Last year I was invited as a plus one to the Grammys. I was excited to go with my friend Martina Albano! Excited to celebrate music in this way! And I have to admit... I was pretty excited to have an opportunity to get dressed up!

But even through the excitement of the event itself, I couldn’t fight this feeling of not being worthy of being there. That there were so many other people who knew music, musicians, and the scene better than I did. Who were more of a “mainstream” musician than I was. Deserve it more, or could “hang” better than I could. It wasn’t until the final night that I was able to squash the Imposter Syndrome!

It was the after party and I found myself standing alone amongst everyone in the ballroom. Without really thinking about it I headed to the dance floor, closed my eyes and just went with the music. I let go, and everything seemed to disappear around me. Then through the movement, through the vibration, through the sound, I remembered myself. I remembered the importance of my work. I remembered what I bring to the table and that I was indeed worthy of being there! I then opened my eyes and danced my shoes off with a group strangers. (Bc... what else do you do when your friends are no where to be found! 😜) .

To seal the deal, our crew (ATL Chapter of the Grammys and I) shutdown the Grammys After Party chanting in unison “ATL! ATL! ATL!” making the perfect ending of the trip!

Fast forward, I was recently excepted as an Associate Member of the Grammys, so this year I’m going on my own ticket. I don’t get to go to all the pre parties like I did last year when I was a plus one, but I do get to go to the show and after party. I am excited to see the people I met from last year and meet the new! I am excited to share more about sound healing music! I am excited to CELEBRATE musicians and what they bring into the listeners lives. And this time, with no imposter syndrome along for the ride! ❤️

<3 Danielle

ATL looking sharp, joyfully danced right up to NY with open arms, and with the biggest hug expressed “This is how we love.”

ATL looking sharp, joyfully danced right up to NY with open arms, and with the biggest hug expressed “This is how we love.” ATL represent! Last week was incredible, and mostly due to this group right here. What I loved most about Grammy week was the common thread of appreciation for those who have supported making a dream a reality. From a party to celebrate producers and engineers, warm hearted conversations at the Nominee’s, to the acceptance speeches, you could feel wave after wave of emotion of that. When dreams become a reality it’s not just about your own hard work, it’s also because of the minds and hands who have helped along the way! What a powerful tool music is to bring people together, to change mood and perspective, a powerful tool for healing and transformation! Having all the feels over here! (Pic from Matt Still)

<3 Danielle