
Hi! Back in Atlanta for the weekend. Tonight, sold out yoga flow + sound bath at @highlandyoga with @yogacaron . And tomorrow a private sound bath at the beautiful @fullcircleatl .

Have you noticed how life moves with a bit more with ease when you’re in flow? I’ve felt out of flow for a while and hearing that many of you have too. Then, all of a sudden the pieces clicked! But… in a way that was totally not on my radar!

2 weeks ago on a Thursday : I acquired land, was able to get out of my lease, and my brother offered me a place to stay. All in one day!

I packed, purged, and moved within the that two weeks, tackle regular work commitments, plus found out the details about the land and started a conversation with an architect who, if it fits in with what’s on his plate, will take me through the whole process of designing + building!!! …Although I may just pause on signing the contract until after Mercury Retrograde. What are your thoughts?

Maybe we need these periods of feeling out of flow… in hindsight, I can see where it has helped me re examine what I thought I wanted, who I have been and why, and humbly witness my blind spots.

The “out of flow” may have just been the SHAKE I needed to shift perspectives. Otherwise, I may not have even noticed this opportunity that Spirit so masterfully orchestrated behind the scenes.

From now forward, I will look at the “out of flow” moments as part of the map. It’s just a different type of terrain on my path that needs different tools.