Finding a New Sense of Equilibrium
Finding a new sense of equilibrium.
The count down is almost through and then another will commence. Are we counting down moments to an end or of moments of arrival?
Small town living cramps the style of my big city mind filled with scattered ambitious thoughts fighting to be let loose. And yet my heart tells me there is nothing to do right now... that “Here” is exactly where I am suppose to be.
Feeling the seconds of the day with each cool inhale.
Remembrance of what was and what has become, with each warm exhale. Immersed in the squeals of laughter from little nieces.
Lost in the colorful cascade of lights of the Christmas tree.
Early morning coffee joined by cuddles from my brothers dog.
Dad’s sarcasm. Mom’s check ins.
Long talks with my siblings.
The quiet here at night is immeasurable.
And so is my gratitude.
For so very long I've felt disconnected from this life, and now I have a glimpse of how my worlds can come together.
I feel it all.
Every little bit.
I find peace in this moment.
And I wish that for you.